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  • Preferred option
    Essential Package$150.00
  • Preferred option
    Enhanced Package$350.00
  • Preferred option
    VIP Immersion$2500.00

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Prenatal Compression TherapyHelping Expectant Mothers Feel Better$0

Prenatal Compression Therapy
Essential Package 
Access to all core class modules (video lessons + PDF guides) Community forum/group chat for support Lifetime access to all recorded sessions Three 3-Day Online Course 90 Minutes each $150 

Enhanced Package
Everything in the Essential Package plus: Bonus partner-involvement module (perfect for couples or supportive partners) Live Q&A sessions with personalized feedback Guided audio meditations for stress relief 3 4-Day Online Course 90 Minutes each $350 
VIP Immersion
Everything in the Enhanced Package plus: 1-on-1 coaching or private consultation sessions with direct feedback on your self-care journey Exclusive small-group online workshop Personalized follow-up plan tailored to your specific needs. Limited Tickets $2500
Welcome to Mastering Compression Therapy: A 3-Day Intensive Experience! We're thrilled to have you join us on this journey to learn transformative techniques that will enhance your practice and provide powerful relief and support to your clients.

  • Total payment
  • 1xPrenatal Compression Therapy$0

All prices in USD